Working papers
From Sea to Shore: The Impact of Ocean Acidification on Child Health Conditionally Accepted @
Journal of the European Economic Association
with I. Kim Taveras
Other versions:
CEPR 15680 –
NOVAFRICA 2006 | Coverage:
Planeta Futuro –
Expresso –
World Bank –
with P. Atwell, J.F. Gomes, G. Musillo and Y. Schenk
Other versions:
CEPR 18207
with B. Augsburg, A. Bancalari and M. Ghatak
Other versions:
CEPR 18636 –
IFS WP22/16 | Coverage:
El Pais –
The Times of India -
Hindustan Times –
VoxEU –
with M. Marending, G. Vysotskaya
Other versions:
WIDER WP 2023/35
R&R @
Journal of Development Economics
with P. Carneiro, F. Tagliati and Y. Xia
Other versions:
CEPR 15192 -
IZA 13478
Main publications
Religious Proximity and Misinformation: Experimental Evidence from a Mobile Phone-Based Campaign in IndiaJournal of Health Economics (2024)
with B. Augsburg, A. Bancalari and K. Kameshwara | Coverage: Ideas for India, IGC
Measuring Corruption in the Field Using Behavioral GamesJournal of Public Economics (2023)
with A. Coutts, P. Vicente and I. Vilela
Does Information Break the Political Resource Curse? Experimental Evidence from MozambiqueAmerican Economic Review (2020)
with A. Coutts, P. Vicente and I. Vilela | Coverage: World Bank, El Pais, GlobalDev, AEA, Expresso
The Reach of Radio: Ending Civil Conflict through Rebel DemobilizationAmerican Economic Review (2020)
with P. Atwell and J.F. Gomes | Coverage: AEA, El Pais, RES, World Bank
The Effect of Gender-Targeted Cash Transfers on Household Expenditures: Evidence from a Randomized Experimentwith O. Attanasio, P. Carneiro and V. Lechene | Coverage: Diario Exterior
Measuring and Changing Control: Women's Empowerment and Targeted Transferswith I. Almås, O. Attanasio and P. Carneiro | Coverage: VoxEU, RES, Apolitical, World Bank
Do Public Health Interventions Crowd Out Private Health Investments? Malaria Control Policies in Eritreawith P. Carneiro, A. Locatelli, S. Mihreteab and J. Keating
Other publications
Let's Call! Using the Phone to Increase Vaccine Acceptancewith M. Fracchia and P. Vicente | Coverage: IGC
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy in Low- and Middle-Income Countrieswith J.S. Solís Arce et al. | Coverage: Nature
Demand Drops and Innovation Investments: Evidence from the Great Recession in Spainwith P. Mendi
On-going projects
Local Labour Market Shocks and Subjective Expectations with P. Carneiro and A. Toppeta
Previously circulated as
Are Parental Perceived Returns to Schooling predicting Future Schooling Decisions?
I. Vilela, and P. Vicente
Integrating Rural Migrants in a Mozambican Citywith with F. Mendonça, W. Sandholtz, and P. Vicente
Seasonswith I. Kim Taveras
Subjective Expectations and Human Capital InvestmentCoverage: EALE Young Labour Economist Prize
Individual resources and child inequality in Rural India